
Showing posts from July, 2020

"Friendship doubles the joy and halves the sorrow" - Francis Bacon

                       Let me ask you a question-  do you have any friends in your life? And when you talked to them at last? Does anyone stand by your side always no matter what your success and sorrows take place? Anyone's voice can make you feel cheerful and is full of positivity? And by these lists of questions, I have been trying you to remember any of your friends at this moment. Today is marked as friendship day and is being celebrated all over the world among different people.                 We are living in this world where we started our journey from birth because of our parents. Further, we are supposed to be living with certain new relationships, they may be your sisters, brothers, uncles and aunts whoever, but entering into friendship with some others who are not born with you is a special kind of relationship comparative...

Cultural Studies - an contemporary literary trend

Introduction:          Culture is a collaborative term which encompasses the ideas, beliefs, faiths, customs and patterns of existing society. Through this umbrella term it is easy to study society from individual to general perspective. 'Cultural Studies' is an academic discipline which is a logical approach to look all social practices as 'political' rather than aesthetic study.         This is a influential study in this contemporary literary trend emerged as a outcome of formal and scientific study of literature. Since from the emergence of formal way of approaching literature, it side by side has been demoting the ideals of traditional criticism (From classical to first decades of modern age). Certain formal theoretical approaches includes Formalism, New Criticism and Structuralism had paved way to the development of further post-structural theoretical insights.         This discipline, therefore, is a int...

Why the Novel Matters? - Summary

      Why the Novel Matters?               -D.H. Lawrence About the author:   Timeline - 1885 - 1930   Century - 20th century (Modern Age)   Specializations - Novelist, poet, playwright, critic, short-story writer, Philosopher   Notable works - Sons and Lovers, Lady Chatterley's Lover, The Rainbow * D.H. Lawrence and his literary works were mostly underrated and not for praising during his life time. * Because almost all of his works are with Obscenity. * During his life time he was pictured as pornographer. * Most of his works have attained the name and fame only after his death * Literary critics like E.M. Foster, F.R. Leavis and Aldous Huxley explored the deep ideologies of D.H. Lawrence to the literary world.      "He is the greatest imaginative novelist of this generation"   - E.M. Foster     " His works are for Artistic integrity and Moral seriousness"    - F.R. Leavis...

'Aunt Jennifer's Tigers' - Summary

                     Aunt Jennifer's Tigers                                 - Adrienne Rich             About the author:         * Adrienne Cecile Rich (1929-2012).     * An American poetess, essayist and feminist.     * One of the most widely read and influenced poets of the 2nd half of the 20th century.     * She talks about a woman's experiences in her marital life.     * She tried to explore the inner feelings of women who is living under the dominance of men. Stanza wise summary:   STANZA 1 :   Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen,   Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.   They do not fear the men beneath the tree;   They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. Meaning:      Here, the poet...