
Showing posts from June, 2020

Hello readers...... Here with our first blog

             At outset, as what we have already mentioned in our earlier blog, this platform will really focus on the study of Literature. As per the request, we hopefully starting this to distribute the detailed description of Literary works and topics on the basis of the need of the hour to the students. Many of the students crack their mind to study their academic syllabus and some others stuck with the confusion of making a move with the preparation for clearing their UGC NET/SLET examinations.              In large scale manner, we trying to focus all types of students who is struggling themselves to achieve their targets.           In this regard, this blog of ours begins with the detailed description of an essay titled ' The World Community ' by the eminent scholar, philosopher, idealist and the former Vice-president and president of the Independent India named Dr. Sarv...

Welcome to

About us,                   Greetings from our side to you for being access with us. Litlearnin will promote you in all ways to get easy notes on different subject matters especially English Literature students will getting more benefits from us.                       What is the toughest job of the students when it comes to exam preparation? The sole ideas of subject matters would be difficult to understand on exam times. And of course students are of many types, some thought to setup for getting pass grades to enter into next level of their academic achievement. Some thought to access all the details and want to sign their taken project to some other extend and thought to get good grades.                 For all these many confusions, if you are in the stage of exam preparation and exam stress without any proper notes, So you are in the exact...