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At outset, as what we have already mentioned in our earlier blog, this platform will really focus on the study of Literature. As per the request, we hopefully starting this to distribute the detailed description of Literary works and topics on the basis of the need of the hour to the students. Many of the students crack their mind to study their academic syllabus and some others stuck with the confusion of making a move with the preparation for clearing their UGC NET/SLET examinations.
In large scale manner, we trying to focus all types of students who is struggling themselves to achieve their targets.
In this regard, this blog of ours begins with the detailed description of an essay titled ' The World Community ' by the eminent scholar, philosopher, idealist and the former Vice-president and president of the Independent India named Dr. Sarvepalli. Radhakrishnan.
'The World Community' - An Outline:
Author: Dr.S.Radhakrishnan
Birth and Death: Sep 5,1888-Apr17,1975
Literature: Indian English Literature
Genre: Essay
SUMMARY of the essay:
This essay contains 5 sections all are addressing for promoting the possibilities of forming a peaceful world community.
Impacts of the advancement of Military Warfares:
Radhakrishnan begins by advocating the harsh realities of the state of the world. He says that the present world is developing day by day on the technological and other aspects of the world. Though these developments helping people lives to some extent it side by side narrowing the inner peace of human being. They affect the thoughts and behaviors of them as well. One of the scientific man made advancements that is nuclear weapons have brought to death mass number of people during deadly wars. He says war should not be the one point solution to the disputes between countries. Many soldiers from both the sides have lost their lives mercilessly. And moreover many innocent and actionless civilians also quited their life by these wars.
* In World War I, solidly 10 million people were killed among them 5 percent were innocent civilians and range of 95 percent were soldiers.
* In World War II, over 50 million people were killed of whom 48 percent were civilians and 52 percent soliders.
* In Korean War also of the 9 million killed, 84 percent of them were civilians and 16 percent of them soldiers.
With these statistics, Radhakrishnan mentioning that war is the deadliest force which resulted the death of huge number of people including dumb and courage less civilians. By getting these many evil sides of Wars, we must think deeply how to prevent this mass murder. Mere thinking will not promote any fruitfulness for that we must seek the way to execute the ideas for the promotion of world peace. In this drowning and shrinking world of our time, promoting peace plays vital role is not just a dream but a necessity for our survival.
References by two different writers:
* William James in his essay 'The Moral Equivalent of War' suggested an outlet for militarism such as maintaining 'ideals of honour and standards of efficiency'.
* Kant in his essay 'Perpetual Peace', rules out the creation of a world state. Instead,he favours a group of states with a common legal code.
Radhakrishnan supports the view of Kant to some extent and also he suggests an idea to promote harmony and solving conflicts through law and not by military weapons. The only solution to international anarchy is a world-wide system of justice, law, and order. With these he refers Indian classic terms such as Dharma which means the integration of binding people together without any discrimination. And on the other hand Adharma is complete contrast to Dharma which means disintegration.
By remembering the words of President Wilson which forms the pillar of First World War,
'To make the world safe for democracy'
And for promoting peace, the League of Nations was formed after First World War but it did not satisfy the need of American people and so they stood aloof from it.
Significance of maintaining Peace:
When tracing back from the evolution of human history and till now, sustaining peace is more important. Many poets, prophets, and philosophers have suggested many ways to developing ourselves to our destination. For standards they asked us to devote on religion for spiritual contemplation and moral courage. For instance, the Hammurabi code of the Babylonians, and the Egyptian Book of the Dead contain suggestions of the Ten commandments of the Israelites suggest the ideals of religious ideas.
'Thou shalt not oppress the stranger for ye were once a stranger in Egypt'.
One of the Ten commandments of Israelites, this addressing the idea that no one is supreme and all are equal and no one should not treat any one as stranger because at some where everyone was once a stranger to someone. So treat everyone as alike.
Some Jewish and Israel prophets like Hosea, Isaiah and Hillel recommended and extrapolated the importance of Compassion, mercy, forgiveness, piety, and love.
Similarly, the great scholar Alexander was actually struck by the idealistic knowledge of Indian teachers. Plutarch torches Alexander who looked upon the entire world as his own land. He wanted to make entire world as one whole land without any diversities. So that he thought to brought together in one great living as everybody lives, their characters, their marriages, their habits of life and so on.
Great Kings such as Asoka, Harsha, and Akbar also represent the ideal living.
Jesus through his moral context and a famous biblical verse 'eye for an eye' which suggests that whatever amount of actions we put onto another person will be invested by us by someone's form which addressing the importance of love, compassion and righteousness.
'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself'
'Return good for evil'
' Bless those that curse you'.
The ultimate aim that these lines suggest that you should give your purest form of love and show your angelic side to one even they put their devil side on you.
Max Muller, a German Scholar who also stress World Community. He pronounced,
'Where the Greeks saw barbarians, we see brethren' - No discriminating perception is any more and treat everyone as humans. The equality should be promoting on the fields such as education, employment, economic oneness are common to all. We have to lead man towards civilisation.
Live and Let Live:
Indeed it is important to everyone should be getting out of conflicts with other fellow being and must be reform the institutions and relationships in which everyone surrounded so far unless which lead to wars. This is the time where everyone should be rationalizing the problems revolving us and resolve them peacefully. This world is a common platform to everyone this air, water and celestial bodies are common to all mankind.
Promotion of World Community - Freedom a key to success:
It may easy to pronounce that promoting world harmony and community is an need of the hour. But the process is struggling against many difficulties. Here Albert Camus, a most renowned French philosopher and writer also suggested the oneness of mankind. By colonial domination, great Nations are engaged in the conflict with other countries. So there is a possibility of utter lack of tranquility. History is only for tracing the dreadful happenings and achievements over conquering other countries by domination and dictatorship. Radhakrishnan says that these conflicts and chaos results mental derangement, violence and hatred just as some individuals do.
Maintaining universal moral order:
In order to achieve the status of World Community, it is not easy to achieve in one night but by relocate the already existing pattern prevailing over here. Democracy is one such tool to promote World in order. William Shakespeare in his Richard I says:
I live with bread like you, feel want
Taste grief, need friends; subjected thus
How can you say to me I am a king.
This means that we are all here for survival. Every body need food for their sustaining and throughout their life everyone tossed by the happiness and sorrows and everyone wants to engaged with friends. In these commonalities, no one is supreme than one another. So how can you (Richard II) consider yourself as a king?.
The real flavour of democracy says by Gentile, the Italian Philosopher,
"Democracy is giving the people what they want; they do not know what they want; the leader tells them and then processes it for them"
The Democratic leader should be a man of representing his fellow beings of his land. Without any superiority, he serves the people's need. Democracy aims at achieving it's ideals through love, persuasion and moral force not by violence.
Eventually it is advocated to have one common leadership to lead the entire world and prevent world from conflicts and confusions. In this present days, The United Nations Organisation is considered to be World government. Being a supreme power, it tries to eliminate the conflicts between countries and stops them using war as a weapon for compromisation rather to use peaceful negotiation.
It tries to free nations from political, racial and economic domination, oppression and exploitation.
Freedom is only will be the vital tool for eradicating the anti-democratic administration. At present people believe in Communism because of it promises a better future for poor people.
For attaining the targeted vision of Radhakrishnan that is 'The World Community' it is the responsibility of We citizens should not considered war as the one point solution to all the conflicts with other countries. Promoting wars will not cause any favors rather it destroys masses. For social Reformation, promotion of freedom, democracy and education helpful to poor and outcast.
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