First vision of "The vision of Mirza" - The Translation by Joseph Addison


   The Vision of Mirza

        - Joseph Addison

            Have you ever experienced the fading away of all your mood swings from reading a single piece of text? Did devote to any particular work of art shut all your worries?  Yes, It does possible when you are about to choose and give full read great books.

            After summing up all the daily routines, it is a tendency of human nature to deliberately shifting towards the aesthetic art forms to energize themselves. When body and soul intertwining with each other, the executions of all human actions will be more perfect. Human beings also never get exceptional in these criteria. In this category, there are many of us still stand by reading books for inner rejuvenation. To live with words will uplift the inner soul enter into an eternity of happiness. The selection of books will help us in great ways.

            The most satisfying thing is spending time with ever-loving, romantic classics of all times. It makes our time more splendid by capturing the ultimate essence of romanticism through the authentic way of reading a text.  In this category, in recent days I was suggested to read “The Visions of Mirza” one of the translations of Joseph Addison. There are many numbers of ways to elaborate and express the particular work of art by absolute attentive reading. As a reader, I went through different kind of emotions and thoughts. By my taste buds, here I am capable to locate the work entitled “The Visions of Mirza”. It is me, I always intend to read someone’s perceptional study. In this case, the title itself tied me to itself for further reading.

            The Vision of  Mirza – an ultimate blend of Romanticism and Morality. Before dwelling deep into the concept, let’s move with the foundational study that is its background study of more other deep concepts circling around the text. Further details flowing down by the following topics,  

 *   “The Spectator” – a reader-friendly magazine.   
 * “The vision of Mirza” – a picked concept by Addison to the magazine.      
 *  Life lessons learned by the narrator

“The Spectator” – a reader-friendly magazine:

       “The Spectator” is a magazine that was collaboratively done by both Joseph Addison and Robert Steele. This magazine was successive writing of the magazine entitled “The Tatler” on March 1, 1711. It was a daily publication which lasted up to the year 1712. Later it bounded into seven volumes of books. It was one of the influential periodicals of 18th and 19th century, started in England and later it was read by many readers of the American colonies.  It contains 555 solid essays as counted as the number of periodicals published so far in this magazine. Addison contributed 274 essays and Steele to 236 essays respectively.

         The title of this magazine is a more notable one. Even though this magazine was the collaborative writings of Addison and Steele, it never named in anyone’s authorization. No one was mentioned as an author to this magazine rather it was simply mentioned as the implied descriptions of the “Spectator”. This magazine stands still by its certain important characters, including Sir Andrew Freeport, Captain Sentry, Will Honeycomb, Sir Roger and the Spectator himself is more important. The entire magazine was standing a stranger’s like a spokesperson about the realities of the Victorian society.   

      The main objectives of this magazine including,

 *   A medium to reflect all the social events in an entertainment comes the intellectual way. 

*    Propagated all the social things, women were given more highlights. 

*   It was feeding emotions, morals, intellectuals, and lifetime essentials through the writings of society.

The Vision of Mirza - Joseph Addison:

        At the outset, when we give a glance on the title of this essay "The Vision of Mirza", it is clear that it is on someone's perception and vision on something, whose name mentions as "The Mirza". Because of pointing out the Mirza's perceptions, the original text is deliberately written in the first-person narrative. It was September 1, 1714, when Addison was in the capital of Egypt named Cairo, he happened to read one of the oriental manuscripts titled "The Vision of Mirza" which he had with him just for spending while away his time. After picking "The Vision of Mirza" from his collections, he decided to give its essence to the readers of his magazine named “The Spectator” as a content of the day. For that, he started reading with immense pleasure and decided to translate the essay in word to word form of translation.


    This essay begins with the introduction of the unknown character, just by the first person narrative, it is assumed that the narrator of this essay speaking about his experience he had with another unknown person who is considered as the genius man.  In this essay, we never happened to know the name of the narrator until we reach a few lines before the conclusion. 

         Further, the narrator started explaining his daily routine, because on that particular day is marked as the fifth day of the moon in the sky. He says that there was a practice followed by his ancestor that every fifth day of the moon is taken as an auspicious day when he used to be more devoted and meditating towards god more and more than before.

* The narrator starts moving towards Bagdad hills just to spend off his entire day with devotions and meditations.

* Just after reaching the hills, he starts to engage with the essence of the nature prevailing there and starts praising the birth of a human being.

* He is getting fuse together with the nature sequences of the hills, breezy and windy clouds, blissful ambience, huge valleys, high hills and with so many things he starts forgetting himself and come out of all his sufferings and worries.

* Meanwhile, he happens to hear some good music that he never heard before and his attention shifting towards the music playing by somebody in the hills. After noticing by careful consideration, he finds that the music comes from a shepherd like personality who is engaged in playing the flute by his lips.  

* By attracting towards the music, he started seeking the birthplace if the soulful music.

* For the very first time, he feels like he is going to depart his souls to heaven just like the immaculate souls of the good people reaching towards the blissful heaven. Because of the receiving music in his ears seems to heavenly tune to receive departed souls of the earth to heaven.

* By getting closer and closer, the narrator happens to approach by the old man. He gently asks the narrator and brings him to the top of the nearby rock.

* Just after fixing him safely on the rock, the narrator sees his surrounded area and embracing with all the ambience and the natural sequence of the area. 

* Just by the translation of Addison and the exact content of the essay “The Vision of the Mirza”, we can able to locate the very same emotions and pictures of the narrator in this essay. 

Life lesson learns by the narrator:

            Almost, his eyes by enjoying the nature's feast,  his soul is filled with tranquillity. However, the man looks like a Shepherd, here he considers as a man of wisdom or the genius in the furthermore description of the essay. Meantime, the genius man asks the narrator to look towards the Eastern side of the hills.

Mirza with the genius man

    * When he happens to look there, he is capable of observing certain things, he says to genius man as follows;

          “I see, said I, a huge Valley and a prodigious Tide of Water rolling through it.”

            He says he sees a huge valley and the flow of a tide of water in the first deep observation.   This essay by Joseph Addison is known for its use of allegories. The excellent use of allegories, just to withstand the etiquettes of life is highly remarkable. Just by getting the answers of his question, the genius man clarifies that what he sees is all about the matter of the philosophy of life. He says that the valley he sees is nothing and it symbolizes the Vale of misery and the tide of water symbolizes the tide of eternity.

     The narrator proceeds by the questions his observation to his genius man. He asks that he is capable of observing the sea tides rising from the picture of mist and disappear to the other end of the mist. Moreover, his question is all about why it happens to arise and disappear in the mist.

      The genius man says that what he sees is nothing but a part of eternity which names as Time. The part of the eternity that is, time is rising in one direction and ends with the other end. The process is processed by the Sun. For this World's consummation, time raising and disappearing at the end of the everyday.

       Now, the genius man questions to the narrator that if instead, he happens to see the sea is submerged into the state of darkness what happens to see next?.  The question is answering by the narrator that he can see the bridge where people used to cross the sea for passing into the next journey of continuity. The genius man stresses that the bridge he sees is symbolized to the life of human life.

       Pausing at a time, the narrator keeps counting the arches through which the bridge is made. He approximately sketches threescore and ten, with some more arches totally he randomly finds hundreds of arches at the overall structure of the bridge.

       The genius meanwhile explains that at the first bridge was standing with thousands of arches. However, but because of the striking of a certain storm damaged the entire bridge. Now it standstill with some hundreds of broken arches.

        The genius proceeds by listing out the saddest part he experienced with the bridge. Though it started its journey as a stubborn one. Due to many external hard drives, it became fragile and people travelling on the bridge keep losing their life randomly. If a certain amount of people started their journey on the bridge, some may lose their life entirely by clutching into the fragile pitfalls of the bridge and disappear into the stream of the water which is running beneath the bridge. A very few supposed to reach their expected destination. This exactly reflects life is also like this bridge seems easier sometimes to cross over many difficulties, but in reality, it is not so.

        By receiving keenly on the words of the genius, the narrator started reacting the present state of his life. Meantime, he can also witness people falling down into the stream of water and dying mercilessly which piercing his heart badly.

        Just turning his attention, the narrator begins by saying that at the same time life is not at all tough to go through, it is the perception of every human being to take the life as difficult or easy to come across. Therefore perspectives decide the successful journey of life. Meanwhile, he asks the narrator to look above the sky and see the treasures of the sky.

        The narrator happens to see a lot of birds flying all across the sky with free usage of their wings. Suddenly he asks to see something more beyond the range of the sky and from the upwards of the bridge.

       The narrator surprisingly happens to witness the huge range of valley with beautiful nature sequence prevailing at there. He extremely forgets him a while just by the catchy natural atmosphere of the location.

       This, therefore, needs to be taking special to look at life as in a good motive. Sometimes looking over good perception would be the timely turning point of our life which resulted in a better future. From this first vision of Mirza is essential and the lovely subject to look at life as an optimistic perception of our life.

       As by tracing the information on the vision of Mirza, the above translation is all about the first vision of the version. It is supposed to clear that there is a second vision is nearly available.

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